Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite edges out the competition in benchmark results
Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon X Elite chipset for laptops at the chipmaker’s annual summit conference last week. The chipset is based on the 4nm fabrication process and also supports 5G mmWave connectivity along with Wi-Fi 7. Now, the company has officially revealed the benchmark results from platforms like Geekbench, Cinebench, PC Mark, Wildlife Extreme, and others. The company is using two laptops with different configurations as references for benchmark tests.
Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite chipset
- Qualcomm is using two different laptop configurations for the benchmarks
- One comes with 80W charging support, a 15.6-inch QHD TFT display, and 87Whr battery capacity. The other has 23W charging support, a 14.6-inch OLED display, and a 58Wh battery.
- The Qualcomm Oryon CPU has managed to score 3227 in the Geekbench v6.2 Linux ST. In comparison, the Intel I9-13980HX has scored 3192.
- Qualcomm says that the chipset will offer faster peak performance at 70 percent lower power.
- In the Geekbench v6.2 ST, the Snapdragon X Elite with demo config A has scored 2,940, while config B has scored 2,780 points. In comparison, the Intel i7 13800H scored 2,755 points, the Ryzen 9 7940HS scored 2,695 and lastly, the Apple M2 managed to score 2,658.
- In the Geekbench v6.2 MT, the Snapdragon X Elite with demo config A has scored 15,130 points, the config B has scored 14,000 points. The Intel i7 13800H scored 14,342 points, the Ryzen 9 7940HS scored 12,181 and lastly, the Apple M2 managed to score 10,088.
- In the Cinebench 2024 ST, the Snapdragon X Elite with demo config A has scored 132 points, while config B has scored 122 points. The Apple M2 is in third place with a score of 121. The Intel i7 13800H scored 115 points, and the Ryzen 9 7940HS scored 109 points.
- In the Cinebench 2024 MT, the Snapdragon X Elite with demo config A scored 1,220 points, the Intel i7 13800H scored 996 points, the Ryzen 9 7940HS scored 979, the Snapdragon X Elite with demo config B scored 950 points, and lastly, the Apple M2 got a score of 552.
The Snapdragon X Elite with demo config A and config B scored 1,750 points in the UL Procyon AI benchmarking round. In the Aztec Ruins round, the Snapdragon X Elite with demo config A and config B managed 350 fps and 295 fps, respectively. Lastly, in the Wildfire Extreme segment, Snapdragon X Elite with demo config A and config B managed 44.5 fps and 38.5 fps. In all these benchmarks, the Snapdragon X Elite with demo config A has topped the competition.
The post Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite edges out the competition in benchmark results first appeared on 91mobiles.com.
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